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Meet our team members. We are from the Greensburg/Campbellsville area with a vast knowledge in the paranormal. We welcome new members. If you are interested, please click the link at the bottom of the page to fill out a short application and one of the team members will be in touch with you!

Tonya Klaes


 My name is Tonya Klaes, I am a 51 year old native of Kentucky.  Born in Campbellsville and currently reside in Greensburg with my husband David.  I have been interested in the paranormal since I was a teenager.  Seeing such movies as Salem Lot and the Exorcist were interesting to me.  My first experience I remember was being a early teen and on Halloween going out to a said to be "witches house" in the country. Once there we saw a candle move from one floor to another in different windows and no one lived there in over 70 years.Upon lighting up all at once we left and heard something following us a animal  of some kind but never saw it.    After passing a church about 300 yards down road it stoped  and nothing else happen after that.  I graduated from a Baptist college and have studied a lot about religion and became interested in different religions in later years as I have met people from all walks of life and from different countries.  I took Reiki to learn more about meditation and use of energy, cause most of my life I have been very sensitive to changes in energy and emotions of others around me.  I became a Reiki Master Teacher this past year and currently taking a Ghost Hunter class by Patti Starr certified Ghost Hunter and author of many books on the Paranormal.  I believe its best to be informed in any area that you want to get into.  After completion of this I hope to enroll in a Demonology class to learn about the other side of Ghost Hunting.  Because as in life you may at some time not only experience the good but the bad as well.  I live by my old Girl Scout Motto:   Be Prepared.

David Klaes



My name is David Klaes I am 51 years old and I am a native of Greensburg, KY for 45 years.  I was born in Prince George, Maryland and moved to KY when I was 3 months old. I have been interested in the paranormal for 25 years.  Upon the birth of my oldest daughter from a previous marriage,  I walked into her room one night after we brought her home from the hospital and saw my grandfather leaning over her (he had been dead 11 years), he stood up looked at me and said "Good job" and faded away.  Ever since then I have been interested in what is next.  What happens after death, why are there ghosts, why some people see them and others don't, ectera.


Other things I have experienced of the paranormal are things being thrown across the room and objects being levitated.  I enjoy such shows as Ghost Hunter, The Dead Files and The Haunted Collector.  I am  intrigued by the equipment that is used by the groups.  I have seen some videos on how to make your own equipment and I hope to do just that in the future as I like making things for my own use rather than spending alot on it.. If you get a chance watch some of the videos on Youtube


Connie Tucker


I'm Connie Tucker and I am a 51 yr old lifelong resident of Campbellsville, Kentucky. I never had an interest in the paranormal until I was in my early 40's!! I had been raised a very strict Southern Baptist and there were "no such things as ghosts"!! I was never interested in the afterlife because I was taught to believe that there is only heaven and hell and once you die, there's no coming back! My daughter, Gabby, was born when I was 40 yrs old and she was the reason that my eyes became opened to the paranormal! At the age of 2, or a little before that, she started telling me that her PaPa, my father that had passes when she was 9 mos old, had "visited" her! I wasn't frightened or unbelieving because I so wanted it to be true! I started to do more and more research about the paranormal and life after death! My daughter would also tell me about other visitors she would have including angels! I'm a RN by profession so I'm a firm believer in science and the scientific method. I started to investigate places with my daughter! After my mind was opened to the possibility of ghosts and spirits, angels and demons I experienced many things that could not be de-bunked! I still believe in God, but my views on heaven and hell has changed! I know there is an afterlife and that everyone will go through a type of judgement and punishment but there is only live on the other side! Now in the next paragraph, I'll tell you why!!

As I mentioned earlier, my daughter is a sensitive which means that she can "sense" spirits and ghosts! I never dreamed that her talent or curse came from me! I went to see a medium one night to try and contact my father! After the medium had given me answers, he then told me a shocking revelation!! I was a medium!!! What??? He then led me to make contact with his grandmother and I was able to speak with her! We'll how about that?? This Southern Baptist Christian was a medium!! Needless to say, my family are not thrilled at all!! I use my gift to help those that I believe needs closure to move on after a death. I am also able to connect with spirits and ghosts during paranormal investigations.





I'm Gabby Tucker and I'm 11 yrs old! I've lived in Campbellsville, Kentucky all my life. Connie Tucker is my mom. I started seeing and speaking with my grandfather that had passed when I was 9 months old. He would visit regularly along with many angels. I was less than 2, according to my mom, when I first talked about seeing these things. My mom never made me feel strange or that I was lying! She always believed me and helped me to understand and learn more about my gift. When I was 8, I met a 18 yr old girl from Bardstown that was a medium, along with her twin sister! She became my mentor and helped me to understand that I can control my gift! I still get scared sometimes, but I'm constantly learning how to only let in what I want to let in! Right now, I sense most spirits through pain which really sucks but my paranormal group is helping to protect me better! I've been ghost hunting since I was about 6 yrs old and I love it!!


Samantha U.



Hello! My name is Samantha and I am originally from Campbellsville, Kentucky. I spent many years growing up in the area and photographing many of the areas known to be haunted in Central Kentucky. I have had a long time love of all things paranormal, which has led me to being involved with this organization. While I do love photographing cemeteries, I have always taken a great interest in urban exploration and abandoned places all over the United States. It is my hope to spread more awareness about paranormal experiences and to show they can be a positive experience, rather than such a negative experience. 


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